The Vicomte de Bragelonne / Alexandre Dumas; Introduction R…
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transparent Author: Dumas, Alexandre
transparent Title Statement: The Vicomte de Bragelonne / Alexandre Dumas; Introduction R. Brimley Jonnson
transparent Published: London : Collins , 1954
transparent Description: 576 p. ; 18 см.
transparent Other Standard Identifier: 41957238
transparent Subject: Френска литература-​-​романи-​-​приключенски
transparent Bibliography Note: Библиогр. на произведенията на Дюма с. 573-576
transparent Cataloging Source: BG-SoNBUL


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1. Collapse for less details 000000091478 840 / 91478 Хранилище "Книги" Свободен
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Фонд: Художествена литература
Вид документ: Книга
Екземпляр: 1